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Get your house ready for Summer!


Get your house ready for Summer!

11 Nov 2018

Get your house ready for Summer!


Summer has officially arrived! As we kick off the warmer months with evening BBQs and lazy weekends enjoying the sun, we thought we would share some of our favourite tips for getting your home summer ready…

Add Fresh Air
Let fresh air fill your home by opening your windows and placing a houseplant next to your bathroom sink to help filter the air. Consider plants that are suited to living in pots such as a rubber plant or peace lily. An Aloe Vera plant is always a great option too as they are low maintenance and have a multitude of uses.

A Lighter Wardrobe
You’ve waited all winter-long to ditch your heavy coat and boots. Don’t let these items take up precious bathing suit, sundress and jandal space in your wardrobe.

Freshen Up Guestrooms
Many people will be entertaining out-of-town friends this summer so you may want to spruce up your guest room. Open windows and closet doors for a few hours to air out the room. Fluff pillows and duvets by placing them in the dryer with a fabric softener sheet on air dry (no heat). You may also consider getting new fresh towels for your guests to enjoy.

Lighter Linens
Swap warm flannel sheets and heavy duvet covers for lighter linens with a high thread-count. Choose solid, light colours to give the whole room a breezy feel. Keep a light throw nearby in case the nights still get chilly! You can even completely switch up the look of your bedroom by trading out decorative pillows or changing up the colour of your bedding.

Outdoor Fabric and furniture
Rinse off your outdoor furniture and lounge chairs and incorporate some colourful and stylish cushions made with durable outdoor fabrics to dress up your outdoor areas. New outdoor upholstery can complement your back yard while creating inviting spaces to sit and relax. Approach your outdoor area as an extension of your living area. Consider placing accessories like potted plants and candles to create ambiance and add a stylish touch.

Invite summer indoors
Interiors can be made summery with sun-kissed windows that have sparkling clean glass and fresh, breezy window treatments. Thoroughly wash your windows – inside and out. You’ll need a cloth or brush to tackle some of the larger outdoor debris, an equal parts water-vinegar solution and a squeegee.

Wash or replace your cushions
Simply updating your cushions can change the look of a room for summer. Alternatively, most indoor and outdoor fabrics are safe to throw in the washing machine. Air-dry, then put the cover back on the insert while it’s still slightly damp to keep it smooth.

Switch around your home decor
Some people have the budget to totally change their decor items with the seasons. But you don’t have to spend a lot to change up your look! Try moving different pieces to another room or changing the configuration of your furniture. You’ll be surprised with how new everything looks once you mix it up a little bit. Finish off with some fresh flowers in a vase and you’re ready for summer!Keeping a fairly neutral palate throughout your home will allow you to make small, impactful changes to welcome summer on a shoestring or a big budget. Changing out the smaller accents such as cushions, throws and rugs for bright, bold prints and block colours will instantly brighten your space.

Clean that carpet
Getting your carpet cleaned once a year helps freshen any room. Summer is the best season for this job as your carpet will dry faster in the milder summer climate.

Breathe Easier
Heat pumps have been working in overdrive to fend off the winter chills but now it is time to set your temperature to cool and enjoy those hot summer evenings.With regular use your heat pump can accumulate a lot of dirt and dust. Consider having your heat pump serviced or simply remove the filter and lightly run your vacuum over to remove the debris. You will be surprised at how much has built up over a few short months!

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